A Horse Pays Homage To His Owner Who Taught Him The Power Of Love At The Funeral.

A Horse Pays Homage To His Owner Who Taught Him The Power Of Love At The Funeral


Sometimes, even the things that seem impossible can become possible when we do them with love. The story that we are going to tell you is real-life evidence of such a bond between a man and his young horse, built upon love. This man could change an aggressive horse into a loyal and affectionate one through his compassion and patience. The day the man left this world forever, the horse paid homage to him for teaching the biggest lesson of life, the power of love. The way this horse bid final farewell to his caring owner at his funeral went viral on social media showing the power of love to all of us.

shaifulzamri / Shutterstock.com

Janna Grapperhaus, the West Virginia Midwife, brought this story to the internet. The loving man in this story is none other than her father. Her father brought a young horse called Major to home a few years ago.

shaifulzamri / Shutterstock.com

From the beginning, Major was wild and aggressive. As Janna said, on the first day, he tried to attack by breaking through a five-strand fence. With that, turning this aggressive horse into a loyal companion seemed impossible. That’s why all his previous owners failed to do so. They tried in different ways, some stopped feeding him for weeks, and others even beat him. But each of those methods lacked the most important thing, love.

Instead of breaking him, Janna’s father tried to win Major’s trust. His approach was questionable to everyone. No one, including Jenna’s mom, believed that he could handle Major’s aggression this way. Soon, everybody realized that it wasn’t Major’s wildness but the way he had been treated by his previous owners that made him aggressive. Within just two years, Janna’s father earned Major’s trust. Finally, Major allowed his owner to ride alongside him. At last, Major found a human he could trust and love. He loved his owner so much that he couldn’t spend a minute away from him. According to Janna, Major couldn’t stop kissing her father’s head whenever he went out. These two shared a great bond, as if they had known each other forever.

shaifulzamri / Shutterstock.com

Even the happiest story has an ending. The story of loving man and his beloved horse came to an end when one of them had to bid farewell to the world. Unfortunately, Janna’s father passed away too soon. This heartbreaking incident shattered everyone in the family. Major was the one affected the most because he lost the human who taught him the power of love. Major attended the funeral of his favourite human being without knowing that it was the last time he could see him. He affectionately kissed his owner’s head as he was about to go out as usual. But Major might not have realized that this time, his owner would not return from the journey he was about to take.

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